Friday, May 29, 2009


Really really really really REALLY regret I didn't learn piano when I was much much much younger...guess its a lil too late to start now...but seriously wondering how come I didn't see the appeal of it when I was younger..and regret why my parents didn't force me to learn it like they did with my sisters....But guess it's not their fault....I used to think that piano is weird...well...for a guy at I think its so stereotypical...pianos aren't just for girls...its a great instrument that can be played by both guys and girls...oh well....I guess that's the price you pay for being stereotypical and lazy....but when I hear the piano....especially the piano intro for the song How I Love You in the new Beautiful Saviour album I just bought...its simply I wish i could sit there and just play my heart out....for all of you guys and girls who can play the piano...keep it up...its a gift that some people will never have...its a great instrument and a great priviledge to play matter how hard the lessons's all worth it in the end...when you can play really's really worth the time and effort don't ever give up on the piano k...I guess I'm stuck with the next best's a good instrument as well...and I plan to keep learning and trying...but I still feel sorry that I didn't learn the piano at an early just can't seem to match the melody of the piano...nothing can...sigh

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