Sunday, June 28, 2009

Of Pscyhology Reports

Woot...finished my first ever Psychology Lab Report at 4am this morning...when I typed the last paragraph and word of the oh-so-long and oh-so-complicated lab report...the satisfaction was just guess it was mainly because I was so worried I didn't know how to do it...and that led to a lack of motivation which led to procrastinating and procrastinating and more procrastinating...and well...its due decided I couldn't procrastinate did it on saturday night at 11.40+...(after more slight procrastinating "later later")...when I finally sat down and put my mind to it somehow it just clicked....and its really really satisfying to know you did something you thought was too hard to do....I wonder why I still procrastinate even though I know how satisfying doing things like this are...maybe its just nature...haha...and the final count is 3295 words and an approximate 16,872 characters!I know...its not much...a far cry from the 25thousand thesis paper and the 60ooo masters paper...but hey..its my first one...and I'm proud of there...haha...

oh and I got a new printer my room has a was actually cheaper to buy a printer that came with ink supplies than to buy the refill cartridge for the existing ironic....and a new mouse too...cute tiger-like mouse...haha..will try to take a photo of it....when I find the camera that is...and being my usual procrastinating not to hold your breath for it....

Weeeeee!!!!thats 2 assignments down....1 to go!!!!bring it!!!! =)

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