Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Glanced through a friend's blog and saw an old entry entitled "Tomorrow"
Well, it was just her way of telling every1 bout a big event coming up tomorrow...
Although in this case that "Tomorrow" happens to be like a month ago...give or take a few days......
Anyway...back to the issue....it got me thinking about the word Tomorrow.....

It's really a word very often taken for granted it seems....
How many times do we tell our friends "See you tomorrow!"
What makes us think there even will be a tomorrow.....
I know...I sound depressed and all...but when you do take some time to think bout it...
Tomorrow really seems like something abstract at best....

Who can say if tomorrow will come....who can say what will happen tomorrow....
Even Jesus said "Do not worry bout tomorrow...for tomorrow will worry bout itself".

Live your life like its your last day....
Wise words indeed...coz none of us are assured of a tomorrow....
At least not a tomorrow on this planet in this earthly form at least....
The any real thing we have for us is the NOW....what we are going through....
Seems to make the idea of putting off assignments til tomorrow kinda dumb doesn't it?
Ah well...that's something all college students suffer from...
Don't deny it now...no matter how dilligent you are...
You surely have postponed something for "tomorrow" before....
IF you haven't...then my apologies for assuming such....

If there's one thing that never comes, its tomorrow....
Coz when it comes, it becomes today....
Confusing yes...but take some time to figure it out...

Listening to a song that's entitled Worship Forevermore...
And I realised that its not really that much of a promise I can give to God...
To worship Him forevermore....
I can't even say with confidence if I'll still be here tomorrow...
If I'll still be alive to worship Him tomorrow...
All I can do is sing it to Him now....
And hope that I can do it day by day...
One step at a time....

God, thanks for giving me today...and forgive me if I have not done my best with the day You have given me...Help me to live each day with the knowledge that its a gift from You...every time I gain a new day, that You were the one who brought my tomorrow....and I should never forget that...I can offer You nothing more than my praise and thanks and worship each day....for I do not know if tomorrow will come....in any case....Thanks for the days all this while....Help me to make better use of it....Amen.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My Funny Friend

We started out mortal enemies-both in rival classes
After two years, we were forced into the same class due to a oh-so-small school
And we coexisted as such for the next 4 years right til secondary
In which time our relationship hadn't improved in the slightest
In fact it wouldn't be an understatement to say it got worse
After all, one can only take so much of stepping on each others toes for that long
And then came secondary
Once again, we were forced into the same class
Once again forced to coexist
Once again we didn't get along well
She joined the side of the angels (prefects)
Me, well lets just say people would flee in abject terror at my appearance
A horrendous temper certainly helped things
And thus we were always at war
I'd be the instigator, and she'd be the angel that brought retribution
Smiting us with the all-powerful detention book.

And then came form 3....
Something happened....
(I haven't the slightest clue what)
And we started talking...
Oh yes, there were the times when we still fought
(At least she claims to remember it...I certainly don't =P )
But an acquaintance-ship formed...and we learnt we could do more than co-exist
We could be friends!

Kinda sad that it took us 9 years to realise that.
Oh well, we're young...we can afford to waste nine years
Yes...I said that just to rub it in to all those reading who are older

And then came form4.....Just when we were getting to talk more,
We split classes....
I joined the class of the geniuses(Science)
She...well....she just joined the average one
*Before you guys erupt in rage, I have one thing to say to placate all of you....


Still, it didn't stop us from talking....
I got to know her better...and a friendship developed...
Built on the bones of the past hurts...(mostly my actions and HER hurt)
Oh well, I'm a guy....So I guess I have that in my defence....
Anyhoo,time flew past quickly,
And by the time the end of form 5 came, we were fast friends,
*or at least I THINK so*

I learnt that she was also HUMAN,
(Which meant that she did sleep in class as well)
*Yes you did my funny friend...don't deny it*
That she had her doubts just like me,
And that she was a really nice person
If you didn't irritate her into whipping out her prefect book that is...
Oh did I mention she was one of the BIG FOUR...
Yes....so double the torture...

High school is over now...
I really miss those days...
Standing in the cool morning watching the sun rise...
With my funny friend and others...
Some funnier...others not so...
But all equally beautiful and wonderful
(Guys and girls just so you know)

To my funny friend:
Just so you know, I really really love you...you get what I mean :)
Always will too :)
Sincerely, Thank you for all you've done,and always being there
May God bless you in all you do....always
I'm proud to be able to call you my friend...
Now, and for always....
Everything I ever did that hurt you, I'm really sorry...

Thank you again,
My funny friend.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Learning to Trust

Been struggling a whole lot recently...especially with the short semester...

Especially especially when deadlines are drawing near and assignments are piling up...

And insane lecturers try to make life even more miserable by pelting you with quizzes and the like.

Goodness knows what made me think I could handle 3 subjects in a short semester...

And if that wasn't enough, to add to that,

A portfolio in CF that I got no ideas on,

A camp coming in less than 3 months time,

A committee I seemingly can't seem to lead effectively,

Personal issues to struggle with,

Strong emotions to handle,

And money seemingly flowing out of my account with the current of a monsoon drain,

On a very rainy day at that....

But then a friend of mine asked a very pertinent question,
(When I was telling her bout my fears for camp and all)

She asked, "Who's camp is this?"

And suddenly it all fell into place.


Thats the key I've been missing so far,
The key that can unlock all my problems,
And its astounding since God has shown me throughout the year,

That He sees my needs,
He hears my prayers, (both the hidden and clear ones)
And He has answered them ( or not) according to His perfect will,
My devotion everyday, just reveals more of what He wants to tell me,
And what He wants/has for my life,

And yet I didn't know to trust when it really did matter,
When things came to a boil,
I chose to look at my circumstances,
And shifted my focus away from Him,

We humans are hyperopic creatures,
When we look ahead to God, everything else comes into sharp focus,
But when we choose to look at the problems in front of us,
Our world turns blurry,
And we stumble and fall coz we can't see the way ahead anymore,

I shall end this entry with a short creed shall I?

I believe in prayers, though my answers be silence,
I believe in love, though I may stumble and fall,
I believe in peace, even in times of violence,
I believe in God, who conquers things all.

"It's Brilliant!!!!!"

So I thought when I decided to take three subjects this semester...Help!!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Day She Came

She came into my life,
Bursting upon the scene,
Surely it was intended,
For I fell for her it seemed,

Her eyes were full of passion,
The sound of her serene,
As she looked at me with the face of compassion,
My heart raced within,

Her soft and quiet ways,
Captivated me,
How I longed for the days,
That we could together be,

She whispered her contentment,
Her face resting on my hand,
Oh how I wish those moments,
Would number like the sand,

To hold her in my arms,
Few things can compare,
Her beauty and her charms,
Truly held my stare,

Sitting alone with her,
The world seemed so bright,
I looked at her countenance,
And beheld a wondrous sight,

My heart she moved,
With her actions so tame,
It was love at first sight,
The very day she came.