Monday, October 25, 2010

Happy Birthday

So, its your birthday today. How do you feel?

Well, for starters, I'm really thankful for awesome friends, who care enough to sing me a song and wish me, and some even to the extent of surprising me in Midvalley. Really touched by these awesome people who have been such a blessing to my life. On this day, as they celebrate my birthday with me, I want to celebrate as well. Celebrate them, the awesome people that have made life all that more worth living.

I would also love to celebrate God, for His love in my life. For all He's done. For all the time He's given me so far. I love You Jesus, and may whatever days I have left celebrate Your extraordinary love for this world.

Today, on my brithday, I choose to ignore the pains and hurts that are trying to disrupt me. I choose life, and to celebrate it.

Happy Birthday You. God bless.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Victor! Glad to stop by and know it's your birthday. Many happy returns.

    When you get a chance please stop by for some Coffee with Jesus

    ~ NRIGirl
