Friday, July 31, 2009

Of Fishes and Redemption

ooo....finally back to blogging,....been sooo long....holidays...nth much happened...nth much to blog about....ahh...I FINALLY WATCHED ICE AGE 3!!!!!!awesome show la.....seriously...fweaking funny....wanna watch it again with some friends who haven't...what say you people?Im free anytime til Sept 1....yeah..Im THAT free....

Anyway...back to the main topic...recently in CF we had a discussion about Jonah...I really really appreciate it....its a Jonah Bible study..and it really opened my eyes to see the true vast power of God and His Grace....seriously astounding....I especially love the line where Jonah says " Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs" true...especially in my own life...really made me reflect on my own idols..and how much of God's Grace I have refused...and forfeited....its a really inspiring story..the journey of Jonah....and his prayer to God while he was in the fish...."Salvation comes from the Lord"...indeed....for there is no one a friend of mine from church whom I have not seen for a long long long long long time suddenly called to ask me how I am....and he came by and bought me a pint of BR ice cream...really touched...that he still remembered.....he asked me when I would be going back to church...I really felt like it at that point of time...but its hard...not been there for so long,..its hard to go back....maybe I should just take it slow...but still tkae the first step....after all God's shown me...I don't think I can keep shoving Him and His signs into the corner I learned in Jonah...God will do whatever it takes....whatever it takes to draw His children back to Him....will have to try...

By the way....Happy Belated 18th Jas...and congratz Lynn on Sierra!

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